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Don’t Let Data Migrations Derail Your Pricing Initiatives

Accurate data is critical in price optimization. You need a reliable set of historical data to accurately forecast profitable pricing scenarios. Unfortunately, a data migration to a new system can throw a wrench into your pricing data. You may see inaccurate, duplicate or missing data that can skew your pricing analysis.

Many distributors are increasingly encountering data migration issues, whether due to a new acquisition or the desire to reduce cost of ownership and risk by migrating existing legacy ERP systems to a single platform. Migrating to a new platform such as Infor CloudSuite Distribution can immediately improve customer service and performance. However, this transition can be daunting as it requires careful planning and consideration to make sure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently during the migration process.

It can be very helpful to work with a strategically partnered managed services provider (MSP) when migrating data. For example, our team at Tridex Systems have become known as the leading experts when it comes to Infor Data Migration. If you are working on another ERP platform, ask your account manager for information they might have about their preferred MSP partners. An experienced MSP can provide distributors with an easy and reliable solution to their data migration needs, eliminating the worries that come along with such a big project. They provide fast and efficient migrations so you can focus on running your business without the hassle of manually moving your data.

Here are some of the basic services you want to look for when working with your MSP on data migration.

Data Preparation

Data preparation can be a time-consuming process and is essential for successful data migration. Over the years, our team has seen hundreds of different data structures in different systems and have the experience to quickly perform any necessary data transformations for faster migrations. By utilizing the expertise of a reliable MSP, distributors can rest assured that their data preparation process will be done quickly and accurately.

The Right Tools

Any experienced MSP in the distribution industry should employ data experts who have full access to the most advanced tools and hardware needed for successful data migration. The specific tools involved vary with the flavor of ERP, but typically include things like API calls, data queries and extraction, transformation, and more. With these specialized technologies, your data migration will be completed quickly and accurately without any of the additional challenges you might ordinarily face.

Accurate Configuration

Many of the distributors that we work with see data migration as an opportunity to assess existing data configurations and structures. Experienced MSPs can help you analyze your data, as well as identify and eliminate redundant elements. Working on accurate data configuration will make your migration faster and it results in a more optimized database that functions better long-term.

Remove Obstacles

Everyone distributor who has ever dealt with a. data migration knows that roadblocks can be hard to avoid. Distributors often lack experienced resources or IT bandwidth to take on and complete their project within a reasonable timeframe. However, a distribution-focused MSP should have the specialists and experience on board to meet even the toughest deadlines and keep productivity running smoothly during this process.

Brandon Watson, VP of CloudSuite Solutions for Tridex Systems, has a long history of guiding distributors in their technology investments including ERP implementations, data and analytics, managed services, software training and more. As a member of the editorial board, his understanding of the importance of data and communications when it comes to distribution operations brings valuable insight to our readers.

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