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Our Detailed Analytical Review Process

Unlike other sites, this site contains advice that specific to distribution pricing optimization solutions. This site is curated because we believe that our objective expertise is valuable in helping distributors choose solution that best fits their business.

What does that mean?

Not Based on User Ratings and Reviews

When we first started collecting user reviews, we found that disgruntled users were more motivated to provide their reviews. In turn, solution providers would send their most loyal customers to try to skew ratings the other direction. Because of this, we learned that user reviews are anything but objective. We may ask for user feedback in our briefing process, but we do not take unsolicited feedback as it is not fair to the solution provider nor our readers.

Requires a Paid Analytical Review

The analysts on our site get paid by the solution providers to undergo a solution briefing which includes a complete demonstration of functionality and interviews of product specialists and users. While we are paid for our time spent in briefing, analysis, interviewing, demoing and writing up solution guides, the payment in no way influences our rating or commentary. Solution providers are expected to brief our team annually. If they do not, the ratings for their solution cannot exceed 50% in any category because we simply cannot put our reputation on the line for a solution we have not reviewed. You will be warned of unbriefed solution listings with the alert like the following:

Why 50% and not 0% for unbriefed solutions? Or why list them at all?

We put some stock in the product descriptions and user feedback we receive if it seems generally consistent. So, we don’t want to penalize a solution provider down to 0% simply because they do not have the time to brief us. We want to be transparent about this policy because it gives you a framework to judge solutions independently. We think there is still value in listing the solution even if we cannot verify the functionality independently.

Advertorial Content

Solution providers who brief our analysts may also select advertorial packages that allow them to share product messages, blogs and enhance their product listings. The marketing messages must be vetted for truth and accuracy by our team before posting.

Campbell Frazier has been involved in distribution technology for over 25 years including close work with many leading distributors on pricing, price optimization, profit analysis and more. As editor-in-chief of, Campbell is bringing the latest in price optimization news, solutions and consulting to literally thousands of distributors across the globe.

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